Top 6 ways humans clog their own blood, leading to early death by heart attacks, strokes, cancer and VACCINES

Top 6 ways humans clog their own blood, leading to early death by heart attacks, strokes, cancer and VACCINES By  for

Most of the chronic, degenerative diseases so popular in America today barely existed just four generations ago. Then came commercial cigarettes promoted by doctors, processed food promoted on television, and pharmaceutical concoctions to alleviate symptoms of blood diseases and cell disorders that are all preventable. No other nation on earth consumes as much dairy as the United States. Nearly all preventable diseases and disorders are caused by decreased oxygen and nutrients in the blood, day after day, month after month, year after year.

The United States spends more on prescription drugs, per capita, than any other country, and those who are prescribed those quack medications remain the sickest people. This is no coincidence, because their doctors will NOT tell them to cut out processed food, coagulating oils, meat, milk, gluten and other processed “food stuff” that causes blood clots, obesity, heart strain, organ dysfunction and eventually, strokes, heart attacks and dementia.

Covid “clot shots” are creating and exacerbating clogged blood with billions of microscopic nanoparticles that decrease blood flow and build up blood vessel plaque

Got atherosclerosis? That means you have decreased blood flow to your heart. Did you get Covid jabbed yet? That means you could be experiencing a severe decrease in the flow of nutrients and oxygen in your blood due to tiny spike proteins clotting and clogging the arteries, veins and capillaries of your entire vascular system. A recent autopsy of a China Flu vaccine-injected man revealed he had spike proteins in every cleansing organ, in his brain, and his heart. Who else knows this?

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Got chest pain, shortness of breath, swelling, painful veins, rashes and constant itching? If you got clot shots for Covid, you may be experiencing prion diseases, also known as Spike Protein Syndrome, along with about 150 million other Americans. Complete blockage can cause a stroke or heart attack. The most obvious early sign is myocarditis, which seems to be a pandemic of its own right now, thanks to the Fauci Flu gene therapy injections.

Could margarine and canola oil make people MORE susceptible to spike protein damage?

Did you know that every third American is overweight, and half of those heavier folks are obese? Their blood vessels are already clogged with animal fat and canola oil, and now most of them are getting stabbed with spike protein injections every 4 to 6 months. The CDC has failed to even prove with science that the shots help with immunity at all. What a shame.

Chronic inflammation drives more disease and disorder. It worsens it. Order food from almost any chain store or franchise (corporate) restaurant and the menu is overloaded with items that contain cheese, canola oil, processed meat, sugar and gluten. Most grocery stores and supermarkets are chock full of these blood-clogging, cell-mutating choices (about 85 percent of all products). All of these blood-clogging foods, combined with spike protein injections, are compounding the blood flow problems for over 100 million Americans.

There’s no time to waste. Start filtering these most common toxins out of your life. Do not BE the filter, because that choice could lead you down a dark path of misery that ends life slowly and early, without a decent quality of life. Here’s what to avoid, first and foremost – the big six:

#1. Canola oil (and most other oils you find in fried foods, baked goods, prepped food bars, salad dressings, etc.)

#2. Covid vaccines (billions of sticky spike proteins)

#3. Whole milk

#4. High fat meats (deli meats, sausage, chicken and turkey skin)

#5. Ice cream

#6. Margarine

Now, you may be asking, if some of this “damage” is already done, how can you unclog your blood vessels? Switch as often as possible to whole, raw, unprocessed, organic food. Cut sources of unsaturated fat and trans-fat out, and eat more plant-based meals. Also, incorporate some form of exercise daily that you can enjoy. If you already got a clot shot or two for Covid, don’t get any more. Avoid the “boosters” like the plague.

Tune your truth news dial to to stay informed of the engineered pitfalls of the Covid scamdemic. It doesn’t take a scientist or doctor to see that Covid vaccinesRemdesivir and ventilators are compounding the problems of the pandemic, creating a pandemic of their own, thanks to “Western Medicine” and the scam artists who are perpetrating the entire nightmare of bad medical care.

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